
Welcome to Wuf

Welcome to Wuf! Here you'll find all the documentation you need to get up and running with the Wuf API.

What is Wuf?

Wuf is a Mobile Push Notifications platform.

With Wuf you can easily integrate Realtime Mobile Push Notifications for your end users without the need to develop your own mobile applications for iOS and Android.

We empower other use cases as well, like, but not limited to:

  • inform your SaaS users when a new invitation / message is received 💬

  • alert to your team members (like new sales 🎉 or service down 🔻)

  • receive notifications from your IoT and home devices 📡

  • notify your e-commerce customers when the order status is updated 🛍️

  • send marketing messages to your audience 🤑

  • and more

Want to jump right in?

Feeling like an eager beaver? Jump into the quick start docs and get making your first request:

Quick Start

Want to deep dive?

Dive a little deeper and start exploring our API reference to get an idea of everything that's possible with the API:

API Reference

Last updated